NGSS Resources
This is a great page on the National Science Teacher's Association page that helps to outline all the Science and Engineering Practices (SEP) of the Next Generation Science Standards.
This resource can be used for quick access to the explanation of the practice. When you click a specific practice, it takes you to a page that better explains that SEP, and what it looks like at each level of schooling. It helps the teacher to determine the bounds of the SEP from K-2, 3-5, Middle, and High to gauge what they have been asked to do and what the expectations will be.
This is a great page on the National Science Teacher's Association page that helps to outline all the Cross Cutting Concepts (CCC) of the Next Generation Science Standards.
This resource can be used for quick access to the explanation of the CCC. When you click a specific CCC, it takes you to a page that better explains that CCC, and what it looks like at each level of schooling. It helps the teacher to determine the bounds of the CCC from K-2, 3-5, Middle, and High to gauge what they have been asked to do and what the expectations will be.
There is a great deal of overlap between the CCC and literacy practices.
Crosscutting Concepts
If you click the viewing options select "practices and crosscutting concepts"
MSS/NGSS Navigation
Sorry - I said "short" that's only true if 20 min is short to you.