Teacher Resources
This resource is brought to you from the Instructional Leadership for Science Practices.
This site highlights a continuum for evaluating student's performance of science practices.
This resource is brought to you from several partners including MSU Create for STEM, WestEd StemWorks, the Concord Consortium, and more.
This page organizes assessment tasks by performance expectation.
This resource is brought to you from Achieve, Michigan's own TJ Smolek was a critical part of this project.
This page helps to clarify what should be looked for when evaluating a science task. Great rubric for thinking about the task.
This resource is brought to you from the Institute for Science + Math Education, funded by NSF.
This site highlights some great resources for STEM teaching in the classroom.
This resource is brought to you from Michigan Department of Education.
This pdf shares annotation regarding sample item clusters for grades 5, 8, and 11.
This resource is brought to you from NGSS@NSTA.
This PDF walks you through a yes/no in evaluating phenomena and whether it is a good phenomena to use with students.
This resource is brought to you from Stanford NGSS Assessment Project.
This site highlights three types of assessments with examples for teachers. It also discusses how assessing needs to change with NGSS to be 3 dimensional.